1963-1964 Yearbook

r A CAPPElLA. FRONT ROW, Robertson, P. Smith, Risinger, Spencer, Johnson, Graff, Chitty, Nelson, Gateley, Snowden, CheaTham, A. Smith, Hobby. SECOND ROW: Di:o:on, Stanley, B. Smith, Evans, Jacques, Thayer, Stone, Haslam, Paine, Crawford, Ely, Hendrix, RoberTS, Turner. THIRD ROW: Selvidge, Rikard, Bush, Cooper, Wood, Rillenour, Cobb, Miller, Taylor, Cook, Baines, M. Stevens, Hinds , Young, Colvin. FOURTH ROW: Saunders, Organ, Dykes, R. Allison, Getrys, Hughes, L. Allison, Ganus, Russell, C. Stevens, Brock, West, Tipton, Gadberry, Anthony, Gooden. FIFTH ROW: Bridges, Bobb, Allmiller, Wililoms, Adams,English, Koger, Grandi, Hawkins, Graddy, Green, M. Boles, lawyer, Davidson, McKeon, J. Boles, W ilson. MUSIC GROUPS Choral groups enhance school pride, prestige ENSEMBLE AND QUARTET. FRONT ROW: Thayer, Stone, Haslam, Payne. SECOND ROW, Rittenour, Cobb, Miller, Taylor, Cook. THIRD ROW: Allison, Gonus, Russell, Stevens. FOURTH ROW: Koger, Grandi, Hawkins, Graddy, Green. 116 A Cappella Choms members throughout the year led a busy life consi sting of trips, programs, recording s and r ehearsals, be~inning with a program presented at the annual fall Lectureship. Their two major trips included a fall and spring excursion to T exas, by way of Carlsbad Caverns in the spring. During the spring semester there was an exc hange choral program with Hendrix College and rehearsals were conducted for the opera Mikado which was presented at the end of the school year. During the Arkansas Intercollegiate Choral Association Convention which was held at Ouachita with Miss Margaret Hillis, Director Kenneth Davis was elected president of the Association for the coming year. Chorus member s wer e also seen sporting new tan blazers with choral emblems. The Belles and Beaux entertain ed two evenings in Little Rock at the Arkansas Arts Center. Several trips were taken to Shreveport, Houston, Bartlesville, and various cities in Arkansas. Immediately preceding the Christmas holidays, the Belles and Beaux presented a program on the 1963-64 Harding College Lyceum series.