1963-1964 Yearbook

The wide variety of academic in ' 'r ests which characterize the Harding student body demand an equally wide variety of ex tra -curricular activities. At the undergraduate level these organizations play an important rol e in providing students vocational outlets as well as in developing special skills and talents. In debating, dramatics, student publications, chorus, band, and special interest clubs, the activity gr ea tly enrich es the academic program in field s r elated to the activity. The development of leadership, learning how to work with other people, and seeing a difficult job to completion a r e valuable by-products. The close association of student with student and studen t with fa culty advisor, coach , or director are frequently most meaningful. Th e great values to be gained from ex tra -curr icular activities are WITHIN OUR REACH if we only have the desire, initiative, and wisdom to participate effectively. / jh0~C: .