1963-1964 Yearbook

Cheryl Kinman radiates enthusiasm as she transmits her contagious smile to 81I0I'l stands. where fan s ore inspired to rousing support for on aggressive team. PREC IOUS Kelti Perrin epitomizes the spirit of the ·' Iit· tlest" ' Bison amid the exhilarating confusion af cheerleaders. aUI . FRONT ROW, Jeter , C. Clark, Jones, Robb, Crider, R. Cla rk, Henry, Rogers, D. Brock, Jacobs , G. Clark. McAfee, Aigee, Chandler, Somanie , Bob Pearcy, McGee, Spillman, Bill Pea rcy. THIRD ROW, Ruckma n, Dean, II: DaVIS. Mote, Burleson , Cox. Moss. SECOND ROW, J , Dovis, Touchton, Ba tema n, G. Brock, Mille r, Green, . . 105