1963-1964 Yearbook

CHEERLEADERS: Charla"e Bur~el1, Mary lou Davis, Sheila Mitchell, Mary Ellen Baskin, Cheryl Kinman, Vickie Mitchell. CHEERLEADERS Cheerleaders, lettermen ANTICIPAT ING their final cheer, aspirants for The Bisan's 63 -64 cheering squad strike var ied poses real izing iust a few will be selected from the many, 104 head morale boosters "Go - fight - win" is an oft-heard phrase at Bison sports events as Harding'! cheerleaders vibrantly lead fans in yells to encourage the team on to victory. Working hand in hand with Bison Boosters the cheerleaders helped plan pre-game rallies to boost school spirit and pep. Unusual favors were given to the players before each game. Petit~ Kelli Perrin, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Perrin, stole the show at home basketball games as the cheerleaders' mascot. Her bouncy personality matched that of her college friends while she jumped and yelled alongside them. New black sweaters were purchased by the Bison Boosters for the football season. Basketball season brought new gold wool culotte outfits which were more appropriate for indoor cheermg. A privilege for the cheerleaders was attending away-from-school l1;ames with Dr. Joe Pryor. Even when other Harding fans could not attend, the cheerleaders were on hand to help boost team spirit.