1963-1964 Yearbook

MEN'S INTRAMURALS Intramurals provide year-long sports competition "A man for every sport and a sport for every man" is seemingly th e motto of Cecil Beck, Harding's intramura l director. Largely through hi s efforts, Harding is a ble to boas t one of the top intramural progr ams in th e nation. Fea tured in thi s program a re several team events including softball , " ra gtag" foo tball , basketba ll , vol - l eyball , and base ball with many individual events also playing a l a rgp. role. T eam compe tItion is scheduled by social clu bs, by classes, and by intramural tcams. To encourage parti cipa ti on in intramurals ~ jackets a re awa rded each yea r to the fifteen top point leaders. The boy amass ing the grea tes t number of points fo r the yea r is awarded the " athlete of the yea r " trophy. Circle K presents a "spiri t awa rd " trophy to th e boy selected by all participan ts as hav ing demonstra ted the bes t sportsmanship . Mr. Beck awa rds a trophy to the sports skill s champi on . The 1963 intramural athlet e of the yea r was Cha rl es Thompson who also captured th e sports skills trophy. Don MereTAKING a healthy CuI 01 the ball, Roge r Johnson helps the seniors to victory dith was awarded the Circle K spirit trophy. as they deci sive ly defeot the faculty and win the closs softball championship. ABRUPTlY halt ing his lateral molion, Ken Johnson looks for runn ing room KEEPI NG his eye on the boll. Tom Brown prepares 10 slam his fj rst as Cecil Beck and vis it ing alumnus Phil Watson close in for the faculty. serve to his opponent, giving the jun iors a chonce for the doss title. 98