BOUNDING for a basket, facu lty member Jerome Ba rnes rises from the floo r in an attempt to score. Fa culty teams participate regula rl y in intramural activ ities with students. CAMElAMEN direct movements of Carolyn Hendershot and Travis Stewart as tMy portray the srudent athletic activi ties for the story of Harding f ilmed on campus. Every school year h as a new set of events which almost everyone retains in his memory. Some characteristics are carried over from year to year to become traditions. Connota tions of the 1962-63 year included the Belles and Beaux European trip, the filming of the Harding story, a faculty active in intramural sports and Dr. Benson's gesture for ch apel dismissal. Eight weeks in Germany and France to en - tertain at U. S. military bases under the sponsorship of the usa and the Defense Department was a highlight for twenty college performer s. Jerry Fairbank's Hollywood movie company spent two weeks on campus taking shots to be compiled into a school film with Herb Philbrick as narrator. Faculty participation in intramural sports is becoming traditional. Th e participants strengthen friendships while competing in such contests as tag football and basketball. The characteristic wave by Dr. Benson sets off a chain reaction in chapel daily. At this cue students file from the auditorium and rush for mailboxes or slowly ambulate to their classes. DISMISSING the student body from chapel with his familia r wove, Dr. Benson smiles as seats are left vocont in th e college auditorium. 93