90 INSPIRATIONAL hymn sings ere more than a trodition at Harding. Students are uplifted by the fellowship which gives a sense of inward peace and sincere dedication of their lives in service. RELIGIOUS LIFE Life objectives structured on spiritual foundation Religion should come to be the motivating force in a person 's life. Harding purposes to center itself around spiritual ideals and Christian principles. Christian t eachers and Christian students develop a wholesome atmosphere which tends to encourage the right spirit. Daily chapel devotionals, dormitory vespers and spontaneous hymn-s ings around the lily pool deepens fellowshi p of brethren in Christ. An extensive program a t the College Church induces participation from the students. Bible seminars, held quarterly at the college, give willing persons the opportunity to gain from the experience of well-known evangelists and Bible teachers. Religious culture and knowledge abound on campus. Campus traveling groups are bid wishes of God-speed by the students as songs and prayers are raised to the Heavenly Father for their safety and success. ENDEAVORING to promote greater interest in the Bible school program among students, J. L Dykes supervises a committee publication. the Reflector.