VOLUNTEEit worken from the vorious social clubs on campus tackle the job of serving hundreds with heaping plates of barbecue meat and pota to salad as guests and students file through the line. LECTURESHIP Crowds gather to hear inspirational messages "The Authority of the Holy Scriptures" was an interesting, inspirational and educational subject for the 39th annual Harding lectureship. To those present, there could be no doubt as to the evidence about the inspiration of th e scriptures. ATTENDING the Harding lectureship f rom va rious sections of the country. indivi duals enjoy making new friends and renew ing former acquai ntances. Among the evening lecturers were Batsell BarI'l'tt Baxter, H. A. Dixon, Gus Nichols and Frank Pack. Dr. George S. Benson and Cleon Lyl es were the main speakers on Thanksg iving Day. Daily classes included instruction in congregational singing, teaching methods, preaching methods and studies in various Biblical books . Chapel speeches dealt with the topics of " Presenting the Bible to a Non-Believing World," and "The Authority of the Holy Scriptures as expressed in the Christian Life. " Don Gardner, president of Ohio Valley College, and M. Norvel Young, president of George Pepperdine, presented these speeches. Other activities of the week included luncheons, musical presentations by college groups, a Thanksgiving barbecue for everyone present and the season basketball opener for the Bisons against Little Rock University.