HOMECOMING Fun, beauty, victory mark festive Homecoming , \ OVERCOME with joy is Queen Sheila Mitchell as she holds her bronze mums and 0$ maids Marcia Geisler and Dorothy Christmas congratulate her. OCI CIJICK TAKING the honor of f irst place in the Homecoming parade, " Hickory Dickory Dock" float optimistically predicts a victory for th e Bisons wh ich become a real ity. 86 "Hickory, dickory, dock, the Tigers ran up the clock; the clock struck one; the Bisons won, hickory, dickory, dock" displayed Pioneer, LC, Omega Phi and Tofebt ingenuity in float -making to capture the first place trophy in the 1962 Homecoming parade. Mother Goose, constructed by the sophomore class, led the parade which was centered around the theme, "Mother Goose Rides Again. " Dr. Benson was Grand Marshall. A radiant Sheila Mitch ell reigned for the October 27 activities after being crowned queen by co-captains Jerry Mote and Steve Smith in a pre-game cer emony. DorotJ,y Christmas and Marcia Geisler were her attendants. Class representatives were Sharon Berry, senior; Carmon Alexander, junior; and Jannie Crawford, freshman. Judy Daniel and Karen Spain were elected sophomore co-represen tatives. The Bisons completed a perfect day by walking over the Livingston Sta te Tigers 17 to 7. ORGANIZING the Homecoming parade, Bob Brewer hurriedly checks his clipboard to see thot the various floats are present and in order before thei r journey th rough the streets of Searcy.