AMUSED spectotors watch as lowly Regina pledges attend to the difficult business of watering the flagpole with a spoon. Any spilled water is the cue for them to begin once more at the lily pool. PLEDGE WEEK Initiates have mixed emotions during pledge week NEW acqua intances are made as prospective club members exchange signatvres and experiences as they gather for dates and sign pledge books in the College Inn. 84 A trend toward a more dignified pledge week swept the campus this year as only four days were spent in unusual activities for new students. Some clubs concentrated on giving pledges instructions which led to more studying, even though the chief aim of all social clubs was to promote get-acquainted activities for their initiates. The club season of social functions begins with this period, the seventh week of the school year. The ca feteria became exceedingly popular at breakfast time because pledges were assigned to go and pledgemasters were fot ced to attend to check-up on their charges. Da tes were easily accessi ble for everyone, as not only the males but the females were pledged to ask for dates. This memorable week came to an end with infctrmal initiations at various outof-the-way locations and candlelight ceremonies at which club vows were recited. Once again pledges and pledgemasters became equal as club brothers and sisters. Thus began a year of work and play designated to create and deepen new friendships and to bring about good deeds.