GREETING new students at the SA sponsored mixers, Harmon Brown becomes acqua inted w ith John O 'Dell. COUNSELING proves 0 problem as conflicts in time occur, but Dr. Erie Moore patiently helps Joanne Wright, music major, with the semester class schedu le. BEGINNING OF SCHOOL September brings flurry of excitement to campus Pleasant and unpleasant actIVltIes of the initial school week are always unique experiences for students, especially the new ones. Moving into dormitory rooms and standing in registration lines are some of the more unpleasant activities. Watermelon parties, get-acquainted socials and nightly church services are among the pleasantly memorable events. "Rain, rain go away" became the school slogan in September, 1962, as precipitation seemed endless. Get-acquainted programs did not seem to be hampered, however , by the inclement weather. A highlight of the watermelon party in Harding Park came when a greased pig was released to be captured. Other events of the evening were a watermelon-ea ting contest between faculty and students, music by the Travelair s and an all-school devotional. Over-abundance of melon created the necessity of a sale of whole melons . The week quickly came to a close as the last registrant filed through the library, prepared with schedules for the semester. RUSTI C kettles are the center of atlrott ion at the all - school chili supper held at the college pork where students gathered for the fall event. 83