ALPHA CHI Organization encourages LIGHTING her candle of leoming, initiate linda Groff accepts membership into Alpha Chi and pledges to uphold the high standards of the honor society. 78 • supenor scholarship Superior scholarship among Harding students is promoted and recognized by the Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi, a national honor scholarship society. Membership in Alpha Chi is limited to juniors and seniors who have attended Harding College for at least one year prior to election to membership. Juniors must have achieved not less than a 3.70 scholarship average on at least 80 semester hours and seniors not less than a 3.50 average on at least 104 semester hours. During the 1935-36 school year the Alpha Honor Society was organized on the Harding campus as a local honor society. In the fall of 1956 the Alpha Honor Society petitioned the National Council of Alpha Chi for membership and the Arkansas Eta Chapter was installed on March 1, 1957, by Dr. Paul C. Witt. Representatives of the chapter attended the national meeting of Alpha Chi held on the campus of Midwestern University, Wichita Falls, Texas, March Z9-30, 1963. Dean Joseph E. Pryor, sponsor of the chapter, serves as Secretary-Treasurer of Region II and Associate Editor of The Recorder, journal of the Society. Each spring at commencement the chapter presents a key to the graduating member who has achieved the highest cumulative grade average in college_ Frank Ackers Psychology J~I Anderson Politicol Science Harmon Brown Mathematics Edna BurNrfi.ld Elementary Education Martha Carden Elementary Education Teddy Carruth Bible