SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS JeaneHe Bollard Cullman, Ala. Nalta Jean Berryhill Searcy, Ark. S.Ny F. Bauant . Mineral Wells, W. Va. Lundy Pat Slack lakeland, Fla. Barbara Ann Blackwell St. Louis, Mo. Barbara Ann Copeland Decatur, Ark. Jimmy l •• Couey Clinton , Ark. Judy Doly Nelson, Mo. Dana Sue Eade, Kennett, Mo. Mona Judy Epp.,.,on Haleyville, Ala. Claud G. Estep Searcy, Ark. David louis Golden Nederland, Tell . Kenneth Alan Goodwin Lafayette, lo, Neil Mitch.1I Haverly .. Perry Township. O. Roger Hladky Germontown, Tenn. George Alvin Hobby Texarkana, Ark. Carolyn Est.lI. Hugg Strawberry, Arle . Leora Sharon Hughe, Salinas, Calif. Jon Ly" Johnson lafayette, la o Tom Johnson Westerly. R. I. JoAnn Kelly Fort Worth, Tex. Howard A. Killough Pine Bluff, Ark. Donny Eugene Kingsley .. Spearman, Tex. Jocqueline Jeon Knipple Derby, Kon . 1125 students register for the second semester EXAMINING an umbrella in the College Sookstore, Barbara Coperand finds that the rainy season at Hard ing caught her unprepa red for the changeable weather. 74 UMCOMDITIOUL 2 n.uO_.TII