FRESHMEN EXPRESSING their opinions through the ballot box, these freshmen toke time out from a busy schedule to vote for the candidates which they believe ore best. Lengthy roster of candidates puzzling to voters " f' ....... , ,Cj .' 70 All en Cla rk John son Ke nn eth L. Johnson Don ier Howard Jones Wilborn T. Jo nes Su:ro n O . Keathley Ko ren Kay Kelton Clora Ma e Ke rr Kathryn King David H. Klin.bri e' Ge roldine M. Kun Billy Joe lodd Mollie Patricio LaFevor E. Ma ri e Laird Rona ld Bruce lambe rt Sh iu Oi law Dav id F. Lawyer James Mike Le Fon Lavonn. H. Le roux Nashville, Tenn. Kansas City, Kon. Gilmore, Ark. Memphis, Tenn. Jacksonville, Ark. POris, Ark. Hazen, Ark. Dimmitt, Tex, Wayne, Mich. Poplar Bluff, Mo. Reyno, Ark. Nashville, Tenn. Grubbs, Ark. Sikeston, Mo. Hong Kong Huff, Ark. Springfield, Mo. Florissont, Mo. Jack Fred Lewi , MemphiS, Tenn. Ke rri e Sue Ly les li"'e Rock, Ark. Rog e r D. Lyn xwil e r Doniphan, Mo. Andrea McAllis te r . Willow Springs, Mo. J e rry Do n McCaghren Quincy, III. Ralph M. McCluggage Derby, Kan. Roge r L. McCown Tana Kay McDonald Kareen McElroy Lorry D. McFadde n Ronni e McFarland Curti s C. McKnighJ Bobbie Dean Mabry Jackie Mahan Joy ce Alma Mortin Judy Coral Mortin Retto Mortin W. Faye Ma sten Jame, W. Matheney Don Mathis Janice Anne Maxwell Eile en F. Ma:r.uren Harry Denald Medley Ma ry Chorlene Melton Arlington, Tex. Ida lou, Tex. Oscoda, Mich. Hickory Ridge, Ark. Cullmon, Ala. Olympia, Wash. Wayne, Mich. Batesville, Miss. Wayne, Mich. Searcy, Ark. Searcy, Ark. Bradford, Ark. Mor rilton, Ark. Augusta, Ill . Memphi s, Ten n. Sharon , Penn. Memphis, Tenn . Helena, Ark.