library studying J",lca Beth Tipton Martha Ann Took. John R. Tomce lilly Traylor John Gill Underwood JalMl l. Vannamen Visa l ia, Calif. Rayville, la. Salinas, Calif. Austell, Go. Searcy. Ark. Sarcoxie, Mo. Esther Wan Hong Kong ."cco Wan ................ Hong Kong Sandra L. Ward ... Maplewood: l ao Jolin Mik, Wed, n Alachua. Flo. Jolin R. Conyon, Tex, GMrg. Anthony Webb Searcy, Ark. Janlc. Ruth St rathmore, Ca l if . Edith Ann. Whiddon . Jacksonville, Fla. Iorbara A. Whit, Pine Sluff. Ark. Sondra Jone Whit, .... Ruleville. Miss. Iorbara William. Hole Center, Tex. Jam•• E. Williams Moberly, Mo. Jull. EII,n Williams .... Pa ragould, Ark. Sharon M. Wilson Searcy. Ark. lonald K. Wilts. Son Diego. Calif. Amold Winter ......... Ruleville. Miss. Cora Elizabeth Wiser Belleville. Mich . Helen Womack Russell. Ark. J.. Womack Lucien Wong laymond H. Woodard Jame, Worsham . .. William D. Young Dhanarat Yongvanlch jl t Russell. Ark. Hong Kong Cullman. Ala. Anniston, Ala. Son Antonio, Tex. Thailand • Increases SOPHOMORES ABSORBED in his notes, Gory CanneJJy tokes advantage of the quiet. ness of the library 10 cotch up on his ass ignments ond outs ide reports , with each new year 65