CLASS projects were discussed at a meeting of the junior officers. They ore sponsor Bob Gilliam, Sec.· Treas. Linda Stafford, Pres. Vernon Rogers. Vice· Pres. Louise Tucker and sponsor Jock Ryan. JUNIORS Officers anticipate a full year of achievements 52 Frank E. Ackers Joe H. Adams Sylvia A. Aday Oakland ,Cali f. Ft. Lauderda le, Fla. Waxahachie, Tex. Carmon Alexander Joel E. Anderson, Jr. Sherry Ashby Searcy, Ark. Swifton, Ark. St. l ouis, Mo. James H. Bailey, Jr. Raymo Bailey Ann Baird Peggie Baker Barbara Barnes James Ea!'1 Barnes . Ron l. Baucom G. Bernard Bayliss Beverley Beard Anne Bechdoldt Robert H. Bell Anne Bentley Glen Rock, Penn . Hobert, Ind. Hardy, Ark. Pangburn, Ark. " . Searcy, Ark. ... Cookeville, Tenn. Spri ng Hill, Tenn. Shreveport, la. Ca rthage, Tex. Searcy, Ark. Gainesville, Flo . Oak Ridge, Tenn .