"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am becoming sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal." - I CORINTHIANS 13: 1. !)63 FORE"\VORD vVe arrived on the Hardin g- campus in Sept- ~mber from thirty-eig-ht states and six foreig-n countries. Some of u s came from larg-e metropolitan centers and some of u s came from ranches and farms. Our cultural ba ckg-rounds and our academic interes ts were as di verse as the types of communiti es from which we had come. After the exciting activities associated with the opening of the fall semester, we began to evaluate th e various fa ctor s that would help us in our physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development. As the days passed by we beg-a n to appreciate more and more the spirit of our alma mater and to und erstand more clearly how important the principle of love is in our relation - ships with each other. As we turn these pages we see pictured many even ts of the yea r which reveal in how many ways the principle of love affects our lives. 197346