SENIORS TRYING on graduation robes to get an idea of how they will feel when Ihe big day comes ore Donna Knopp, Wanda Johnson and Harmon Brown. Long awaited commencement day finally nears PAUL HUBER, Athens, Ala .; Chemistry; AEX I ; intramurol Sports 1 , 2,3 ,.4 . IOGER JERRY HUGHES , Ea st Chicago. Ind.; Business Administration; Pi Gamma Psi 3 JANE HULETT, Greenway, Ark .; Speech: Ko Jo Kai 3,4, Hist. 3; Who's Who 4, Pelit Jean Queen Nominee 3; S. A. Cabinet 3; Bison 1,2: Petit Jean 1,2: Big Sisters 2; Alpha Psi Omega 3,4 ; Campus Ployers 1,2,3,4 ; SNEA 2,4 . liLLY H. HULSEY, Bald Knob, Ark .; Biology. JUDITH GRACE HUMPHREYS, Memphi s, Tenn.; Psychology-Sociology; Petit Jean Queen Nominee 4 ; Dactylology 1; Chorole 1,3,4; Grace Wells 3,4, Pres . 3 . ROBERT L. HUTCHERSON, Walnut Ridge, Ark.; Business Admi n istration ; Transfer from University of Arkansas; AEX 3.4; Intromural Sports 3 . RICHARD DUKE JENNINGS, Tulia , Tex.; General Science; Transfer f rom Lubock Christian College; Mohican 3.4; Intramural Sports 3,4; AII ·Star Basket· ba ll 3, Baseball 3. LINDA LEE JOHNSON, Walnut Ridge , Ark .; Elementary Education; Ko Jo Ka i 3,4, Vice-Pres . 3, Rep_ 4 ; Omega Phi 1,2, Secretory 2; May Queen Nominee 4 ; Petit Jean 1,2; Big Sisters 2; SNEA 2.4. WANDA JO JOHNSON, Shreve port , La .; Business Educat ion ; MEA 1,2,3,4, Treas . 3, Sec. 4; Petit Jean 2,3; Chorale 2; Band 1, 2, Sec.-Treas. 2; SNEA 4 ; American Studies 3,4 JOE KEITH JONES , Maynard, Ark .; Chemistry; Transfer from University of Arkansas; Intramural Sports 2,3; All-Star Basketball 3, Baseball 2. DENZIL E. KECKLEY , Jr., Stone Mountain , Go.; Secondary Education; Koinon ia 2.3.4; Band 1,2; SNEA 4; Ci rcle K 2,3. MARIE KEE, Searcy, Ark .; Bi ology ; Transfer from Northeastern Institute o f Chri· tian Educat ion; las Componeras 1,3,4, Sec. 3; European Club 1, 3 ,4 ; Northern lights Club 1.3,4; Intramural Sports 1,3.