WILLIAM FRANKLIN GULLICK, Dearbo rn, Mi ch.; Social Science; Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College. LORETTA J. HALTOM, Camden, Ark .; Business Education; Ko Ja Kai 3,4, Pres. 4; Bison Boosters 3. JUNE HAMBY, Rockwood, Tenn .; Elementary Education; Transfer from FreedHardeman College; MEA 3,4, Pres. 3; Interc1ub Council 4; SNEA 3,4; Intramural Sports 3,4; All-Star BaskeThalt 3,4. WENDELL DEAN HARRISON, Harri sburg, Ark .; Elementary Education; Alpha Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4; Intercollegia te Foo tball I, Track 2,3,4 ; In t ramural Sports 1,2,3, 4; All -Star Basketball 3. MARY LOU HART, Bethany , Okla .; Home Economics; Zeta Rho 1,2,3.4, Hist. 3; Colhecan 1,2,3,4; SNEA 4; Oriental Club 1,2,3, Rep. 3. LAVON HARTER, Buchanon , Mi ch.; Elementary Education; SNEA 2; Dactylology Club 2. THOMAS HAWKINS, Mason Ci t y, 10 .; Accounting and Business; Transfer from Mason City Junior College; AEX 3 ,4 , Sec. 3, Treas. 4; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4, Treas. 4; American Studies 3,4. CAROLYN HENDERSHOT, Parkers bu rg , W . Va .; Elementary Education; Transfer from Freed·Hardeman College; SNEA 4; Intramural Sports 3,4. SANDRA HERNDON, Memphi s, Tenn .; Speech and English; Tofebt 1,2,3,4; In· terc1ub Council 2; Who's Who 4 ; Closs Sec.-Treos. 2; S. A. Rep. 3, Sec. 4; Bison 4 ; Pe t it Jean 2; Big Sisters 3; Chorale 2; Co lhecon 1,2; Pi Kappa Delto 3,4, Vice-Pres. 4 ; Campus Player.o; 3; SNEA 1,2,3; Deba te 3. HARRIET SUE HERRINGTON, Fli nt , Mi ch.; Elementary Education; Transfer from Flint Junior CoJ/ege; GATA 2,3,4, Vice· Pres. 3, Sec. 2; Interc1ub Council 3; Petit Jean Queen Nominee 3,4; May Court 2; Petit Jean 2,3,4 ; Bijitsu 3,4; SNEA 2; Bison Boosters 3; Intramural Sports 2,3, 4 . MARGARET ANN HICKS, Tu ckerman , A rk .; Elementary Education; los Componeras 1; SNEA 1,2,3,4. LOLETA MEREDITH HIGGINBOTHAM, Hale lhu rst , Min.; Home Economics; Regino 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2; May Queen 3; Homecoming Closs Attandant 1; Colhecon 1,2,3,4; SNEA 2,3; Cheerleader 1; Intramural SporTS 1,2,3. CAROLYN WELCH HLADKY, Ge rmantown, Tenn .; ElemenTary Education ; Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3,4, Sec. 2; Interc1ub Council 3; S. A. CobmeT 2; Bison 1,2, Freshman EdiTor 1; PetiT Jean 2,3. 4; Big Sisters 2; A Cappello 2,3; Chorale I: SNEA 4; InTramural SporTS 1,2,3,4. PH1LL HOBBS, Oklahoma City , Okl a .; SOciology· Psychology; Frater Sodalis 1,2. PEGGY LOUI SE HODGE, Wils on , Ark .; Business EducaTion; Tofebt 1,2,3,4; Bison 2; Petit Jean 4: Bison Boosters 2; InTramural Sports 1,2,3. BARBARA HOlliS, Col umbia , La .; Home Economics; Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2, Sec. 2, Rep. 2; Ko Jo Kai 3, 4 , Sec. 3; Big Sisters 2; Colhecon 1,2,3.4; SNEA 1,2,4 . JOSEPHINE HOLT , Newport , Ark .; Business Education; Beta Tau Gamma 1,2,3, Vice-Pres . 2, Treas. 2, Rep. I , May Queen Nominee 3; SNEA 4 ; Bison Boosters 2,3. MAR ILYN CAROL HORVATH, Flint , Mi ch.; Journalism; Kappa Phi 1,2,3; Who's Who 4 ; BIson News EdITor 3 EdItor 4 ; Press Club 3,4, Sec. 3, Treas. 4 . 42