1962-1963 Yearbook

-- . MYRNA lOU CRUMB, Wich ita , Kan .; Elementary Education ; Omega Phi 1,2,3. Pres. 3, Rep. 2; SNEA <I . KATIE DARLING , Na shvill e, Ark .; Elementary Education; Omega Phi 1,2; Ko Jo Kat 3,4, Pres. 3, Vice· Pres. 3; May Queen Nominee 3; Closs Sec.-Trees. 3, Petit Jean 1,2; Big Sisters 2; Colhecon I ; SNEA 1,2.4 . KAREN JANET DARNell , Mule shoe. Tex.; Secondary Education; Transfer from lubbock Christian College; Tofebt 3,4 , Pres . 4 ; SNEA 1,2, 3 ,4 ; Bison Boosters 3; Intramural Sports 3, 4 . Bill DAVIS, Searcy, Ark .; Social Science; Transfer from Arkansas Sto te College; TAG 4 ; CHRIS DEAN, Searcy , Ark.; Journal ism; Sub-T 1,2,3,4; Bi son Photographer 3,4, Sports Editor 3,4; Press Club 3. RAY DEAN OEARIN , St. louis , Mo.; Speech; Pioneer 1,2,3, 4 , Rep. 2 , Sec. 3, Vice· Pres. 4 ; Bison Boosters 2,3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3, 4 . WILLIAM BRYANT DHORITEY, Judsonia , Ark .; Engl ish. DON~LD E. DUGGER, Bradford , Ark.; Gene ral Science; TAG 1,2 ) Alpha Psi Omega 3, 4 ; Campu s Players 2,3; SNEA 2,3; Science Club 2,3,4 . MARY ANN EMANUEL, Highland Hom_, Ala .; Elementary Education; Transfer from Alabama Christian College; Theta Psi 4 . JOHN ESHELMAN, Brews ter, Wash .; Business Admini strotion; Circl e K 2 ,3 ,4 , Vice·Pres. 2, Pres. 3; American Studies 2,3, 4 . BOBBY LOU EVERETI , Salem, Ark .; Business Education ; WHC 1,2,3,4 , Hist , 3; SNEA 4 ; Bison Boosters 4. WILLIAM S. FARRIS, JR ., Wes t Lafoye"_, Ind .; Business Admi n istration; Alpha Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4, A Cappello 2, Quartet 2; Chorale 1; Bison Boasters 3; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; AII · Star Football 2,3,4, Baseball 2,3,4. Exams provide opportunity for showing prowess SENIORS EXHAUSTED seniors pause be tween two sessions of the Graduate Record Examinations to discuss some of 'he quest ions which occurred on the tests. 40