SENIORS EVEN serious seniors toke lime oul from their studies 10 hove some fun Elliott Tyler rea ches out to return a low boll in a fas t game of p ing pong Many recreational activities diversify student life 'ATRICK HENRY CASEY, West Plains, Mo .; Bible; Transfer from Freed-Hardeman ColI~e 'ATRICIA ANN CHEATHAM, lincoln , Ark .; Music Education ; Theta Psi 1.2; A Cappello 3; Chorole 1,2 ,4. KATHRYN BISHOP CHESTER , lewisville, 0 .; Elemen tary Education; Transfer from Ohio University : Tofebl 2,3: Inlerclub Council 3; Pe t i t Jean Queen Nominee 3,4 Pelll Jean 2,3; SNEA 3 ,4 : Bison Boosters 3 IOIERT WAYNE CHICK , Me t ropo lis, III. ; B,ble , Transfer from Freed · Hardeman College If'IIramural Sports 3,4 JOHNNY CHISHOLM, Pla ins. Tn .; BIbl ical languages; Transfer from lubbock Christian College; lambda Sigma 3,4; European Club 3,4; TimoThy Club 3 ,4 ; A Cappella 3,4 InTramural SporTs 3,4 SYlVIA ANN CITTY , Idabe l, Okla ,; Speech; Ju Go Ju 1, 2,3 ,4 , Cheerleader 1,2,3, 4 PeTiT Jean Queen Final iS T3; Homecoming Court 3 ANNA BEllE CLIMER , Rog env ill e, Mo,; Physico I EducaTion; OEGE 1,2,3,4, Treas . 2. Pres. 3; Interdub Council 3,4, Chairman 4 ; Who's Who 4 ; May Cour t 3 ; PeTit Jean 1,2,3,4, AuisT . Editor 3, Editor 4 ; Colhecan 1,2 ; Chorale 2; SNEA 1,2 .3, 4 PEMM 3,4 ; Intramural SporTs 1,2,3, 4 AII ·STar BaskeTball 2 IOIERT DEE COlVETT, Alamo , Te nn ,; Mathematics, lambda Sigma 1,2 ,3, 4 , Pres 3 Who's Who 4 ; Sison 2; A Cappello 1,2; Sand 1,2,3, 4 , Pres. 3 ; Science Club 1.3,4 Vice· Pres 4 STANLEY W. COMBS, Newport , Ark .; Biology; Frater Sodalis 1 , 2 ,3,4 ; Northern LighTS Club 3,4, TimoThy Club 1,2,3,4 Chorale 1, Sc ience Clu b 3; Intromurol Sporn 1,2 ,3 H. E. "GENE" CONNER , Se arcy, Ark .; English; Transfer fram Howard Payne College; Bison 3,4; Press Club 3.4 . Pres. 4 ; Campus Players 3,4; SNEA 3, 4 ; Bison Boosters 3,4, Rep , Hisl . 4 GENE DUPREE COOK , florence, Ala .; Bible CHARLES EDWARD CROSBY , Enterpri se , Alo .; Business Administration ; Alpho Pl1i Kappa 1,2,3,4