WITTY observa tions by Senio r Pres. Ca rroll Osbu rn odd spa rkle to class plans . Other off icers are Vice-P res. Rodney Rickard. Sec.- Treas. Cha rlot Root a nd sponso rs Bill Rushton a nd Ca rl Alli son. SENIORS Class leaders aim for effective, well-planned year 36 REGINA SPIRIT AWARD STEVE SMITH Exemplifying the real spirit of Harding College in every facet of his busy life, Steve Smith has been selected by his classmates to receive the Regina Spirit Award . Throughout the state he is recognized in three major sports as an outstanding athlete who always exhibits the highest type sportsmanship and gives maximum effort at all times. He is recognized by the faculty as an excellent student who has achieved a superior academic record while completing a double major in chemistry and mathematics. Among the students he is recognized as a leader. His sterling Christian character, friendly personality, exemplary conduct and outstanding record have been an inspiration to the students at Harding. Regardless of how heavy his responsibilities have been, he has always had time for Bible study and worship and for helping fellow students with their problems. He is the epitomy of Christian manhood.