If Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an ensample to them that believe, in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith , in purity." - I TIMOTHY 4:12. CLASSES Stud ents assemble a t H a rdin g College from many states and several fore ig n countries to obta in a college educa tion . Although there are man y educa tiona l obj ec tives whi ch stud ent s have . the common obj ec ti ve is to obta in a Chri sti an edu ca tion in pre pa ra tion for a life o f service. In four short ypa rs packed with a multitude of va ri ed ex pcri cnc('s. the g reen but eager fresh - man becomes a humhI e ye t enli ghtened gr adua t - ing senior v\'ho ha s a love for truth and a lovefnr God and hi s fellow man .