STAFF Aiding In of vanous better operation campus facilities A vital part of the efficient oper a tion of Harding College is played by the many staff workers. Among the first people we meet when we an'ive in th e fall are the dormitory directors. Soon afterward we become acquainted with the ladies in the Post Office as they distribute mail to th e eagerly waiting students. A cure for ach es and pains is sought in the infirmary. The Publi c Relations office works hard to make the stor y of Harding known to people in our home towns and other places where there are those interested in attending college here. The Maintenance Department sees that the campus is kept neat and that the h ea t and air conditioning are in order. Sandro Powell, Secretary Chorlene Prock , Post Office Hubert Pulley, Camj')us Ma intenance Glenda Reoves, Secretory. Harding College Press Judy Reynolds, BA, Secretory, Dean of the College Greg Rhodes, Manager, laundry Ha rry Risinger . Maintenance Deportment Vol Rowlett. as, Office Manager, Business Office Eleanor Sepp, Secretory, Deportment of Education Rus$lJI Simmons, Direclor, Public Relations William Smith, BA, Director, West Dormitory Palmer Spurtodl , Maintenance, Equipment Operator Robert Street, Manager, College Farm Dairy Edith Sullins, Secretary, Public Relations Kathl een Thompson, Secretory, Development Office Buford Tucker, El(ecutive Secretory, Alumni Association Elbert Turman, Engineer Phyllis Warner, Secretory, library H.rman West, Manager, Hard ing College Press Pat Young, BA, Cashier, Business Office REGINA CLARY and Russell Simmons, members of the Public Relations stoff and co-editors of all the college bulletins, select pictures for a future publicotion. ,0 , ~ 33