.g , 32 Mary Alexander, Bookkeeper, Business Office Everett Anderson, Development Office Adelle Ashford , Secretary, Development OHice John Be rryhill , Jr., Director, Eost Hall Ornor Bixl er, BA, Field Representative Joan Bruder, Clerk, Business Office Corinne Burke, BA , Library Assistant Regina Clary, MA, Assistont Director, Public Relations Johnnie Faye Cloude, Secretary, Development Office Nina Cornyn , Director, Kendall Hall Gertrude Dykes, Manager, College Book Store John Lee Dykes, MS, Director, Student Center Oello Ely, Secretory, Dean of Sludents Eva Estep , Accountant, Business Office Jo Ann fallen , Secretory, Registrar Judy Fore, Secretory. Business Manager Marie Fra:tier, LPN , Infirmary Mabel French , RN, Director, Health Center Opal French , Post Office, Post Mistress Raymond French , Maintenance Department Corinne Hart, College Dietitian, Manager of Cafeteria lloyd Heni on , BSA, Student Work Supervisor Madeline Hubbard, Director, Cathcart Hall Ruby Jo Hughel , Executive Secretary, Development Office Jean Kelly , Secretary, Alumni Office Lou Lawyer, Post Office Betty LOlher, Secretary, Bible Deportment Dixie McCorkle, Manager, College Inn Mildred McCoy, Secretary, Placement Office Harvey Nevin s, Storeroom Clerk Edwina Pace , Secretory, Vice.President W. T. Pearson , Construction Superintendent