SITUATED in a setting of large oak trees, the American Studies building furnishes attractive rooms for the study of social science. SOCIAL SCIENCE Becoming improved citizens increases our responsibilities To understand the world's present problems, such as the Cuban crisis and the invasion of India, one must be acquainted with the problems of the past. Courses in history are offered to acquaint students with the past and courses in economics, political science and business to present the problems facing the world today. Dr. Roy Wellborne is Chairman of the Division of Social Science and Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., is Dean of the School of American Studies. Joining the division this year as instructors are Jerome Barnes and Geneva Combs. Students in the School of American Studies had for their study topic this year "The Art of Management and Leadership." In the fall, they made a trip to St. Louis where they studied some of the large corporations. This year a new major in American Studies was added to the curriculum and the major in social science was expanded to a broad area major. Jerome M. Ba rnes, MAT Instrvctor Social Science Geneva Combs, BA Instructor Secretarial Science Willi am E. Earnhart, MBA Assistant Professor Economics and Business Administration Cli fton l. Ganu s, Jr., PhD Professor History James A. Hedr ick, EdD, CPA Professor Accountinq Dallas Rob e rts , MA Assistant Professor Political Science l ee C. Underwood, MS Assistant Professor Economics and Business Administration .Q. Jrene Johnson , MA Assistant Professor History Joe P. Spaulding , PhD Associate Professor History Bill y D. Verkler. MS Assistant Professor Social Science lonnie E. Pryo r, MA Associate Professor Emeritus Social Science Ermal H. Tucker, MS Assistant Professor Business Education Roy Wellbom., PhD Professor Business Administration 31