Woodson Armstrong. BA Jame, L. Atte berry. PhD Emerila Professor Speech Ben J . Holland, MA Anislanl Professor Speech Associale Professor English Pearl latham. MA Assistant Professor Engli!h Georg e E. Baggett, MA Assistant Professor Music Elizabeth B. Mason, MA Professor M Robert 5. Brown . MEd Assistant Professor English Erie T. Moo .... EdD Professor Music Donald Robinson , BA Instructor M John H. Ryan , Jr ., MA Assistant Professor Speech Lloyd Cline Sears , PhD Professor English Ann Richmond Sewell , MM Instructor ENTRANCE 10 Ihe hall of music opens Ihe door 10 hours of proctlce In the sludios for privale and group instruction . 28 Music Ruby L. Stapleton , MA Associate Professor English Evan Ulrey, PhD Professor Speech Neil B. Cope. MSJ Professor Journalism Mona 5. Moore, BA Instructor Music Kenneth Davis, Jr., MA Anislanl Professor Music Charles Pittman, MA Assistant Professor English