Dorothy Y. Wellborne, MS Ass'slont Profen or Home Economics Williom D. Willi oms, PhD Ass()(io te Professor Chemistry MODERN laboratory facili ties for chemis try, biolog y and phy sics classes end research labora tories for faculty members w ill be prov ided in the new science build ing w hi ch has been scheduled for conSlruction in The nea r fu ture . NATURAL SCIENCE Prepadng for the professions through scientific knowledge In a rapidl y chang ing world wh er e the emphasis is placed on science, technology and the elimination of th e sickness and pain whi ch h ave plap;ued the earLh since th e beg inning of time, the Division of Na t.ural Science assumes a pos ition of importance, with courses offer ed in bi - ology, phys ics, chemist ry a nd ma thema ti cs . Special progr ams of study for pre-medi cal and pre-engin ee ri ng students offer an excellent background for adva nced work in these fields. Henry James, who has com pleted th e M .S. degree in bi ology at Oregon S t at e U n iver - sity, is new in the B i 0 l og y Depa rtment. Dean Pries t, a I-l ard ing gr aduate. has joined the faculty as a ma th ema ti cs in structor a fter completing the M .S. degr ee at th e U ni ver sity of Mi ss issi ppi . The ITome Economi cs Department works closely with the sci ence departments to train women for vocational homc economics~ di etc lics, home demons tra tion and similar professions. An important pa rt of the ir progr am is general in - struction in ru nn ing a well -organ ized home. REMOVING a pan of corn Sl icks from the oven , Jan ice Snyder demo onstrates one of the sk ills learned by those who live 01 Echo Hoven. 27