1962-1963 Yearbook

fOUNDATIONS for Ch ristian living are laid in the classes of Bible and religion wh ich are conducted in th is mode rn buildi ng. BIBLE Broadening the concept of knowledge of spiritual need Harding College has as one of its foremost objectives that of developing in each student a strong and meaningful fa ith in God. The scholarship and dedica tion of the Bible faculty challenges th e attention of the stud ents and many of the great truths of th e Bible for the first time take on real significance. Weekly meetings of the Personal Evangelism class, the Timothy Club and the various mission clubs draw students closer to God and help them to realize more fully the true meaning of Christianity. The 1962 fall Biblical lectureship had as its theme "Authori ty of the Holy Scrip tures" and enabled students to hear vital messages from capable gospel preachers and educator s. W. Joe Hacker , Jr., served his first full year as chairman of the Bible Department during 1962-63 and effectively promoted a program to give all students, but especially Bible majors and young men planning to preach , better preparation for Christian service. Neale Pryor , who received the B.S.L. degree from the Harding Graduate School of Bi ble and Religion, joined the Bibl e faculty this year. James R. All en . MRE Assis tant Professor Bible James D. Bales, PhD Professor Christian Doctrine les lie Burke. MA Professo r Greek and Hebrew Will iam J. Hacker, MRE Assistant Professor ReligiOUS Education Earl Conard Hays, SO Associate Professor Bible and Church History Robert Helsten , MA Assis tant Pro fessor Bible Neale Thomas Pryor. SSl Assistant Professor Bible Andy T. Ritch ie. MA Assistant Professor Bible M EETING st udents a fter on inspiri ng seminar on the work of the preacher is John Ba nister. He led on e of the four semi nars on the work of the church.