INEZ PICKENS, Dean of Women, supervises th~ campus life of the women students of Hardinl(. In addition she is dormitory director of Patti Cobb !Tall, where she works closely with th~ I(irls. Also, she is sponsor of the Women's Int~rclub Council and a member of the Harding Busin~ss Women's Club . Through teaching English in the !larding Academy since 1947, she has helped many students develop a genuine interest in literature. !\frs. Pickens takes a keen interest in the cocurricular activities of the college and is a loyal supporter of the Bisons and the Wildcats. Her chi~f hobbi es arc collecting cups and saucers, I"('adinl( and correspond ing with her grandchildren . She receives many letters each year from rorm~r students who appreciate the guidance and counsel she gave them. VIRGIL M . BECKETT, 8A .~. --___ J " - . INEZ PICKENS, BA VIRGIL BECKETT, Harding'S courteous, capable Regjstrar, rccf'iv('s and ans\Y('rs questions from prospective students conccrning anmission. registration and transcripts and from cnrollen students about g-raduation requirements. As Chairman of the Academic Scholarship Committec. he is concerned with administering the academic policies of Harding. In order to keep abreast of developments in his field Mr. Beckett is a member of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. and is currently serving as President of the Arkansas Association of Collegiate Registrars. When not busy ,,·ith his duties at the Coll ege. Mr. Beckett relaxes by watching a g-ame of basehall. football or basketball, working- in his yard, 0" getting away for a fishing- trip. 21