IO...ID OF TRUSTEES. FRONT ROW: Dr. Houston T. Kornes, Dr. George S. Benson, Dr. l. M. Groves, Lemon Johnson, 1. J. McReynolds. SECOND ROW: Jim Bill Mclnteer, J. A. Thompson, Flanoy Alexander, R. D. Fuller, D. F. Anguish, W. O. Beeman. NOT PICTURED: George M. Roberts, Milton Peebles. The BOARD OF TRUSTEES serves with dedication to direct the activities and services of Harding College. As businessmen, doctors and educators they give wise counsel and ad vice, which, influenced by th eir Christian ideal s, promotes not only material but also spiritual grow th. Supervising the financial system of a college such as I farding entail s the acceptance of much rt'SponsibiJity. This job fall s under the ca pable direction of LOTT R. TUCKER, JR. , Harding's Business Manager . ITe also supervises campus construct ion projec ts and th e auxiliary enterprises which .include the bookstore, laundry, dairy, print shop and student inn. His Christian spirit is exemplified through hi s serv ice, not only to the college, but also to the community. In the summer months he helps with the Searcy Lillie League program . Mr. Tucker is a memIx>r of th e Searcy Kiwan is Club and is Secretary of the Municipal Planning Commission. SK I LL and business acumen are exhibited by Business Manager lott Tucker as he handles the financial affairs of Harding College, its auxiliary enterprises, construction and student loons and grants. 19