MEN 'S INTRAMURALS POISED in readiness to plunge into woter, Tom Finley illustra tes the form that helped him become champion intramural swimmer. WINNER of the basebaJJ bose run, Stonley M ilJe r rounds second base on the f ly as he sprin ts to victo ry in record time. High participation indicates value of intramurals STRETCHING to reach the lope, George Hobby of Frater Sodo lis f inishes f jrst in the 880 with Johnny Toms of Sigma Tau Sigma dose on his heels. 198 With one of the highes t student-participation percentages in the na tion, the intramural sports program is a bright spot in th e Harding picture. Cecil Beck, th e intramural director, is constantly stnvmg to keep the spor ts program active and interes ting a t all times throughout the school year. To keep the interes t in intramural sports at a hi gh level, jackets are given in the spring of each year to th e fifteen men who h ave earned the high es t number of points in the various events during tJ, e sch ool year. In addition to the letter jackets, three specia l awa rds are made. These go to th e Intramural Athl ete of the Year , the Sports Skill Champion and th e Bes t Sportsman. In 1962, these awards went to Tom F inley, Lanny Casey and Jack On', r espectively. Among th e numerous sports events offered during the school year are so ftba ll, softba ll distance throw, ]'ag tag football, foo tball distance kick and throw, ex tra point ki ck, rope climb, cross country run , horsesh oes, volleyball, basketball, bowling, rope jump a nd track and field.