ADMINISTRATION Devotion to duty characterizes administrators Excellence as a teacher, as a preacher, as an athlete and as a Christian, is the outstanding characteristic in the life of DR. CLIFTON L. GANUS, JR., Vice-President of I-larding College. In addition he is chairman of the Department of History and Social Science, Dean of the School of Ameri can Studies and chairman of the Graduate Council. Besides serving in these capacities he find s time to serve the community through membership in the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and th e Board of the Quapaw area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Dr. Ganus still finds time for social life with students through his avid interest in Harding's athletic programs. Nation-wide speaking engagemen ts on topics of Christianity and Americanism bring wide acclaim to this man of varied talents. AM IABLE Dr. Ganus is well liked for his friendly smile and willingness to ehol with the students. AMERICANI SM and The threat of communism ore stressed by Dr. Ganus in history classes and in the work wh ich he does with the American Studies Group and the National Education Program.