"STRIKE one" is coiled by the umpire as determined catcher Steve Smith prepares to thraw a man out as he steols to second. Harding-Opp. 0 8 3 12 3 1 1 0 3 5 5 3 4 3 0 4 3 4 3 0 4 6 4 21 0 2 SNAPPING off a curve, Kim Pate, one of the Bison's leading moundsmen, chalks up another one of his many strikeouts. RESULTS Harding-Opp. ASTC 5 2ASTC 1 6 Arkansas Tech 6 2 Henderson 5 5 Arkansas Tech 5 3 Arkansas A & M 1 2 Southern State 4 2 Ouachita 0 5 Arkansas Tech 1 5 Arkansas A & M 5 2 Henderson 4 10 ASTC 5 9 Ouachita 9 8 ~:Ii4IIii'-:'-'---- - - --.- , -. "SAFE at home" is the call as SIeve Smith slides across the plate to score another of his many runs. Pilcher Joe Spaulding watches the action, 197