BASEBALL Sluggers show spirit in perennial American sport . . • .. .' '. 1962 BASEBAll TEAM. FRONT ROW: Spillman, Estes. Borden, Gai lher, Murphy, Pale, Yeargain, Spaulding, Mole. Porker. SECOND ROW: Priddy. Watson, Smith , Scroggs, Burton , McClelland, Jenkins , Nicholson, Green , Follen . Wilson, Thompson, Griffith , Touchton, Coach Allison . STEPPING into the pitch . Herman Jenkins, Bison pitcher. lofts a high fly boll thot drops for a triple in front of the hedge in deep righ t f ield. Employing the steal as a major offensive weapon the Harding baseballers tallied a season con· sisting of eleven wins, fourteen losses and one tie. The base-s tealing strategy adopted by Coach Allison was necessary to make up for the lack of pitching and hitting strength on the 1962 team . The season was begun with absolutely no pitching experience although a couple of good hurlers developed later in the season . Richard Green, a freshman, posted a 4-1 record and Kim Pate regis tered a 4-3 season record. Steve Smith led the team in hitting with a .343 batting average and was selected to a first team berth on the All-AlC team. Jerry Mote, hustling outfielder for the Bisons, was selected for a second t eam spot on the All-AlC squad. N. J. Wilson, also an outfielder, provided many exciting moments with his one-handed catches and his spirited base running.