Place of meet Searcy Russellville Searcy Searcy RESULTS Teams Harding Arkansas State Hendrix Arkansas Tech Harding Henderson Harding Hendrix Harding Searcy (Harding Invitational) Searcy Henderson Arkansas A & M Okla. Christian College Harding Arkansas State oeu Freshmen John Brown Univ. Arkansas Tech Harding Ozarks Scores 81 54 7ZYz 69 Z3Yz 76 47 9Z 35 47· 46 41 18Yz 11 10 ZYz 68 54 17 OESPITE a leg injury, lewis Walker performs in champion style clearing the first low hurdle with barely on inch separating him and his DCC opponent. BOUNCING into the air in his follow-through, shot-putter Eugene Dilbeck releases a mighty heave in AIC competition 0$ viewers observe with interest. SINGLENESS of mind and body characterize Wendell Harrison 05 he nears the finish line of another of his mony successful races. Wendell's adheronce to rigorous conditioning led to many victories.