1962 TRACK TEAM, FRONT ROW: D, Brock, Peacock, lawson, loncello, Casey, Nelson, Prince, Smith. SECOND ROW: Coval insky (manager), G. Brock, lambert, Dil beck, Wa lker, Simpson, Ruble, Miller, Harrison, Jones . TRACK Emphasis on effort produces efficient track team H. '. ~ STRAINING eve ry ounce of muscle wi thi n his commond" broad·jumper Jim Pratt blasts into the air. He combines timing and effo rt in pu rsui t of a record. 192 Individual performances were the highlights of the 1962 track season because of a lack of total team depth. Lewis Walker and Wendell Harrison provided most of the outstanding showings as they excelled, respectively, in the hurdles and the distance events. Walker was consistently a winner in the high hurdles and almost always won a place in the lows. Harrison gave his best performances when running the 880-yard run1962 saw him set a new school record in this event. A highlight in every year's program is the Harding Invitational to which ten colleges and twenty-three high schools came in 1962. Henderson edged out A&M to win the meet by a score of 47-46. Stan Miller, Jerome Prince and James Ruble handled most of the sprinting chores for the Bisons while Wendell Harrison lent a helping hand from time to time in the relays. The season was characterized by outstanding individual accomplishments, but because of the lack of depth little t eam achievement was registered.