LEAPING toward the gaol, Ernie Polton flips in another bucke t as the Bisons beat Ozarks for their seventh win. IISON guard Steve Smith finds himself on the floor dribbling os two astonished Ozark players look on. Hard ing's offense fan smoothly all nigh t as they outclassed the visitors. RESULTS Harding 70 Drury 56 Little Rock Uni versity 66 Chri sti an Broth ers 70 Ouachita 73 Hendri x 84 Henderson 51 Oza rks 87 Chri sti an Bro ther s 58 Arkansas Coll ege 85 Southem Sta te 91 Arka nsas T ech 63 ASTC 63 Arkansas A & M 82 Ouachi ta 52 Hendrix 71 Henderson 86 Ozarks 58 Arkansas Coll ege 65 Little Rock Uni versity 70 Southem Sta te 6<) Arkansas Tech 63 ASTC 71 Arkansas A & M Oppo. 66 57 89 86 72 57 51 92 68 60 86 73 71 99 59 80 68 68 68 52 73 67 83 STRUGGLING for the rebound, Harding's Vernon Rogers and Ernie PaNon fight fa toke the ball away from big Dave Seward of Arkansas College. 191