LEAPING high off the f loor, Bison Tom Watson prepares to sink another two-pointer as seve ral Arkansas A&M players try to stop him; th e Aggies tripped Harding 71·63, TWO Mountoi neers move in to stop junior Ryan Touchton during one of the Bison's fost brea ks down the court BASKETBALL Bisons inject spirit and enthusiasm into games SENIOR guard Steve Smith is in the middle of a wild scramble for a rebound during the Hardi ng-Arkansas College game, The visiti ng Scots were deadly from the outside and went on to defeot the Bisons in a close one, 190 Captain Vernon Rogers, leading scorer this year for the Bisons, earned a berth on the All-AlC second team. The 6'5" junior from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, hit 47 per cent from the field and 77.5 per cent from the free-throw line for a total of 411 points. On the backboard he collected 166 rebounds. Ernie Palton received honorable mention on the All-AlC team. A 5' 11" junior transfer from York College in Nebraska, Ernie was the second-place scorer for the Bisons. Patton, whose home is Pittsfield, Illinois, collected 4Z per cent from the field and 6Z.5 per cent from the free-throw line for a total of 378 points. Rogers averaged 17.8 points per game, second highest in recent Bison history, and Patton averaged 11.8. Tom Watson and Larry Brakefield grabbed a large share of rebounds in addition to pumping the basket with points for the Bisons. Steve Smith, who has been a favorite with the Harding audience for four years, provided hustle and spark all through the season.