BASKETBALL Early victories indicate • • promlsmg cage season BASKETBALL TEAM : Spea rs !monagerl. Po tton, Jacobs, Cosey, Crow , Rogers, M edley, Atchison, Wo tson, Touchton, Simpson, Robb , Smith, Johnson, Bradsher. LEAPING high amid Ozark competition, forward Larry Brakef ield eyes the basket for on easy jump shot adding another two po ints to the Bisons' victory. Getting off to a good star t, the H arding basketball team defeated Drury College in the open ing game. Then the Bisons were narrowly beaten by Little Rock Uni versity before a large Lectureship crowd on Thanksgiving Day. For a whil e it looked as though H arding might have its bes t basketball season i n r ecen t years. The cager s won six of th eir first eleven starts and wer e stay ing ri ght with the leagu e l eaders. With an outstanding performance th e Bisons upset Arkansas T ech who l a ter won th e AIC tournament. Out of the l ast twel ve games, however, Harding won only two. Throu ghout the season Harding stayed w ithin winning di stance in almost every game, but wa s unable to keep up sustain ed scorin g dri ves. This year only four men ar e being los t by graduation . Since onl y one of these wa s a consistent sta rter , prospects look good for next year.