FOOTBALL DESPITE an on-charging Bear lineman, Bison quarterback Tommy Corter still manages 10 throw during a tense moment of the Bison·ASTC game. CUTT ING back into the line, Bison Tommy Carter meets head-on with severol Wonder Boys. The Bisons dropped a thriller to Tech 7 to O. Bisons prove powerful adversaries on the gridiron QUARTERBACK Hugo Campbell tries desperately to free himself from three Tiger linemen during Bison's Homecoming against livingston Stote. 186 A mudd y p:a m~ wilh Arka nsas A& M saw Ihe Bi son s break fo r a qui c k score and ex tra point and Ih e n hold a d etermin ~d Ap:p: ie team to only s ix po int s 1a l(' in 111 (' game. A hap py homC'com ing c rowd saw the Bi sons scor e 17 poinls in Ih ~ fi" sl q ua rl er and hold on to bea t th e Li v ing-s ton Sta te' T igers 17-7. The Bi so ns proved too mu ch for Oza rks a nd a 20-0 viclory was la lli ed for H a rdin g. T he l as t gam~. aga inst th e IlC'nd C' rsnn RC'drl iC's. was close al1 the way. but t he Redd i~s look Ih e nod 6-0. Co-captain Jerry Mo tC' . a sC'n i or~ was the offensive leader fOf' th e Bisons a nd Lul her Honey. a jun ior. wa s Ihe d ~ fen s i ve lea der for the third stra ig-h t year. Co-ca pta in Steve Smitl" a senior. saw duty both as fullback and lineba cker alth ough h e was ham pered by a pulled muscle durin g most of Ihe season. Se ni ors Hay Gr iffin. Ale leadin g- pass rece ive r w ilh 2 1 r ece pli ons for 272 yards. lac kl e Larry Lambert a nd gua rd \\'all Mays wer e sta lwa r ts in th e Bi son forward wa ll.