FOOTBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW, Cox, Chandler, Crider, Pitner, Ronnie Griffin, Honey , Bill Pearcy, Hendrix, J . Mote, Bob Pearcy, Prince. Campbell, Carter, Gohr, Odom. SECOND ROW, G. Mote, Aigee, Dean, Tucker, Allison, Crawford, Hesselrode, Out law, Smith, McGee, Tubb, Wilson, Brock, Lawyer, Peacock. THIRD ROW: Jones, Mays, K. Phillips, Somonie, Lambert, Richie, Thompson, Ragsdale, Camp, R. Phi lips, Ruckman, Bowman, Farra r, Roy Griffin, Pate. FOOTBALL Bisons record best season COACHES Groover, Prock and Allison look over some of the results of the yeor's events. Allison is baseball and football coach while Prock and Groover coach trock and basketball, respectively, and assist with football. 184 • intercollegiate ball Enjoying their best season since the resumption of intercolleg ia te football at Harding in the fall of 1960, th e Bisons posted six wins against three losses. Luther Honey, WalL Mays and Ray Griffin were named to the coaches' All-AlC teams with Steve Smith receiving honorable mention. An Arkansas Democrat All-AlC selection listed Jerry Mote on th e offensive team, Luther Honey on the defensive team and Tommy Carter and Ra y Griffin as honorable mentions. The Bisons tra veled to Jackson, Mississippi. for t.h eir first game, aga inst Millsaps College, and returned home with a 13-0 victory. Next they met the conference ch ampions, Arkansas Tech. and dropped the close-fou3ht game 7-0. The next two games provided the offense with plenty of pl aying time as th e Bisons beat Southern State 20-7 and Ouachita 30-19. The next game was exactly the oppos ite, however, as the State T each ers Bears humbled the Bi sons 26-0.