EXPLOR ING exciting views and good food are the highlights of cl ub outings held a t various parks in the Arkansas area as all day events. SOCIAL CLUBS ) REMEMBER ING " good ole times," women students and club sponsors enjoy informa l fun at bunking part ies where rela xed a tmospheres pervade. Clubs promote close fellowship among students Varied acltvltles a rc offered by every soc ial clu b. Ea ch has three ma in functions to whi ch dates are invited - a formal banqu et, a n all day spring outi ng and an informal party or cookout. In additi on, eac h club h as numerous suppers, meeti ngs, bu nkin g parti es and work sessIOns. Club spi rit and coo per a tion is rai sed by com - petit ion in var ious sports throughout th e yea r, climaxed by track and field day. Clubs com pete for troph ies and recogni tion in the speech mee t held in the spr ing, and the club w ith th e highes t grade point ave rage is awarded a schola rship trophy. Almos t every club has a constmcti ve project of makin g improvements on campus or of donating money to a cause such as m iss ion work . All clubs owe much to the sponsor s who volun - teer time, food, advice and space for meetin gs and parti es. FORMAL club b:mquets, held at various restaurants around Searcy, provide a glamorous touch to the year 's octivities. 181