THETA ALPHA GAMMA Married students share fun of masquerade party PLACING second in the Homecoming parade TAG float, "Peter, Peter, Pump~ kin Eater," proved to be keen competition. Sandra Till , Club Queen Encou raged by a g rea t number of new members, T AG enjoyed a busy yea r of varied acti vi ties. Work on th e clu b floa t was on e of the fil's t bi g projec ts. Soon after hom ecoming, the m embers a nd their children di sgui sed themselves for a rollicking H alloween pa rty. Through out th e yea r sever al di n ner s and getto-ge th ers were h eld . These h el ped to develop a feeling of closen ess i n the gro u p. Both the wo, m en a nd th e men par ti c ipa ted in club sports com pe titi on . Mr. and Mrs. Neal e Pryor, n ew to H arding thi s year, wer e TAG spon sor s. Mrs. Sandra Till represe nted th e club as nominee for Petit Jean Queen . Mrs. Es th er Kile was the May Court representa ti ve from the club . OFFICERS : D. Young, Pres.; B. Bell, Vice-Pres.; J. Bruster, Sec.·Treas.; Treva a nd Nea le Pryor, Sponsors. THETA ALPHA GAMMA. TOP ROW: Neale Pryor (sponsor), Treva Pryor (sponsor). Bell, B. Bessent, G. Bessent. Bracken, SECOND ROW: D. Branch. M. Branch , J. Brown, L. Brown, James Bruster, Joan Bruster , J. Corler, P. Corter, Davis, D. Fore . THIRD ROW: J . Fore , A. Gaston, D. Goston, B. Hall , F. Hall, Kile, Klein, Jerry laFevers, Joyce loFevers, landers . FOURTH ROW: F. Lard, J . Lord, G. Moore, W. Moore, A. Peugh, D. Peugh, B. Ponder, J. Ponder, E. Powell, S. Powell. FIFTH ROW: G. Reeves , R. Reeves , W. Sanderson, Springer, F. Till , S. Till , D. Uthe, G. Uthe, D. Young, J. Young. 180 r