Carmon Al n and.r, Club Queen TNT SERIOUS expressions characterize TNT members as they rehearse for their chapel program, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," produced with Zeta Rho·s. Cowboys and pirates dominate TNTls functions The TNT social club held its informal initia - tion at Bee Rock. This year fourteen pledges wrre inducted into the club. "Cowboy" was the theme of TNT' s third fun ction. It was a joint fun ction with th e Zeta Rho women's social club. The event was held at thr Searcy Community Center. Plans for the spring semester included a "Pirate" banquet held at Kelly's. Eddie Miller was master of ceremonies for tile banquet. Also planned for the spring was an outing at Petit Jean . The intramural bulletin board was a!!ain tile club project for the year. Miss Carmon Alexander served as TNT's Club Queen. She represented them well as a nominee for Petit Jean Queen. OfFICERS. FAll : Miller, Pres .; Ous ley, Vice· Pres .; Jones, Sec.; Atchi· IOn, Trees. SPRING , leFors, Sec.; Virgil lawyer, Joe Pryor, Sponsors. TNT. TOP ROW: lawyer (sponsor), Pryor (sponsor). SECOND ROW, Angel, Atchison, Boker, Belew, Blucker. THIRD ROW: Brock, Davidson, Davis, David Fouss, Doug Fouss. FOURTH ROW, Gaskins, Hollis, Kinningham, laird, LeFors. FIFTH ROW: McFarland, Miller, Moorer, Muir, Nelson. SIXTH ROW: Nye, Ousley, Roberts, Smock, Tipton . I( ... ... I ~, ~i~.J)I'i .. ~, ~_,' ';1 ~ 'i~ ~a"-'~ e) 179