SUB-T Western attire becomes stylish at Sub-T banquet RECEIVING a blazer from the Sub- T members, sponsor Cliff Ganus gladly accepts the honor and jacket with pride. Sheila Mitchell , Club Queen Sub-T members prepared and heal1ily consumed squirrel stew on one of several of their club's stag outings to Camp W'yldewood. Earlier in the yea r thirty-six pledges were informally initiated as new members at the Sub-T cabin. Queen. Sheila Mitchell made th e year more enjoyable with gifts of cakes and cookies. In March Sub-T's and th eir dates enjoyed a winter banquet, wes tern styl e. The spring ou ting at Blanchard Springs was complete with traditi onal launching of th e ir new skipper. OFFICERS: S. Smith, Skipper; Simpson, First Mate; Burton, Treos. : Isom, Yeoman; Clifton Ganus, Ed Higginbthom, Sponsors. SUB T. TOP ROW: Ganus !sponsor), Higginbotham (sponsor), Algae, Boiley, Borden, Brock , Burton, Campbell, Carter, l. Cosey. SECOND ROW: S. Cosey, G. Clark, R. Clark, Crider, C. Dean, D. Dean, EoH, Gaither, Ganus III, Hawkins. THIRD ROW: 150m, Jacobs, Jones, lawson, lawyer, Martin, Mays, Medley. Miller, Pale. FOURTH ROW: Patton, Peacock, Peebles, Ph illips, Pratt, Robb, Rogers, Simpson, R. SmiTh, S. SmiTh. FIFTH ROW, Spillmon, Tale, Thompson, P. TouchTon, R. Touchton, Tucker , Underwood, Wolker, Watson , Woodard. 178 d