RELAXING for a game of Scrabble with Mrs. Benson, Dr. Benson fries to decide which word will count more. M aybe xystar, or how about zygosis, that one sounds like it' ll be a winner for sure. ADMINISTRATION Dynamic president works for Christian education DR. GEORGE S. BENSO , President of Harding College, has dedicated most of his life to Christian education. In addition to his duties at Harding he serves as Chancellor of Oklahoma Christian College and Chairman of the Board of the proposed Hong Kong Christian College. While a missionary in China h e founded the Canton Bible School and taught at Sun Yat Sen University. Dr. Benson has been president of Harding since the fall of 1936 and he is largely responsible for the excellent physical plant and the high standards of th e institution. Presently he is devo ting a large portion of his time to the two million dollar fund -rai sing campaign for money to build a continuation center and a modern science building in Searcy and a library and student apartments at the Graduate School in Memphis. His hobbies include Camp Tahkodah_ a summer camp for boys, raising horses and horseback riding. EXECUTIVE Secretory Marguerite O·Banion works efficiently to arronge Dr. Benson 's appointments , handle his correspondence and keep records in order.