SMILING faces of members and dates are evidences of on enjoyable evening at the annual Sigma Tau Sigma third function held at the Searcy legion Hut. Ha rriet Herrington, Club Queen SIGMA TAU SIGMA Queen cheers Sigma Tau's on to championship Sigma Tau Sigma's activities began with the infonnal initiation at Gum Springs of their eight new members. On November 23, the club enjoyed a delightful evening at the Legion Hut. The occasion was the third function, with the theme "Country and Western Music. " Entertainment consisted of music by Tom Gaines at the piano and Sam Keichline playing the guitar. In March the club and their dates were found at the Rendezvous for a "Black Magic" banquet. Jon Billingsley fascinated the group with a magic show. In sports this year, Sigma Tau won the volleyball championship in the small clubs bracket. Cheering for the team was club queen Harriet Herrington. OFFICEIS: Bennett, Pres.; Westbrook, Vice-Pres.; Stanley, Sec.; Keithline, Treas.; Jock Wood Sears, Sponsor. SI GMA TAU SIGMA. TOP ROW: Sears !sponsor), Allison, Bateman. SECOND ROW; Bennett, Billingsley, Bradburn, B. Cantwell, J. Cantwell. THIRD ROW; B. Clark, C. Clark, Dozier, Eddins, Gaines. FOURTH ROW; l. Jones, W. Jones, Keichline, Mayberry, Priddy. FIFTH ROW: Rickett, Schafer, Slattery, Stanley Stewart. SIXTH ROW: Thomley, Watson, Westbrook, Willioms, Yarbrough. J~, ~, ~~~i;~ 177