I \ ~I JOllie Miller, Club Queell CAUGHT in rime is Johnny Westerholm as he works in the clock o f Pioneer's first place float. Hickory, Dickory. Dock ' p ~.~ EER .. After a week of pl edg ing and an informal initiation at the upper dam. thirteen neophytes were tran sformed into full -pledged Pioneers. The third fun ction proved to be one of the highlights of the yea r. Dr. A. R. Brown's farm was chosen as tIl e' site for a weiner roast on November 9. .Tanie Miller. club queen. was presented with a jacket in appreciation for the deli ciou s trea ts sh e ser verlthe club. "Southern Plantation " was th e theme of the annual banquet Iwlrl at And erson 's Grill on February 2. Dr. Gilliam was speaker for the evening. Musical (' ntcr ta inmcnt was provided by the Tra velairs. OFFICERS . FAll: Bloke, Pres .; Dearin . Vice · Pres .; Finley , Sec.; Risner, Treos. SPRING: Risner, PrlJs .; Cottrell, Vice· Pres.; Crispell , Sec. ; Roy, Treas.; Robert Helsten, Sponsor. PIONEERS Building float • • winning • project of Pioneers IS PIONEER , TOP ROW Helsten (sponsor). Borber, Barnes, Baucom. SECOND ROW: Bennetr, Billington, Bloke, Clinger, Cottrell. Crispell, Dolton, Dearin, Fmley, Gombrell THIRD ROW: Hockett, Heath, Heissinger, Johnson, Kim, lyn)(wiler, McCaghren, Moseley, Parks, Petrich. FOURTH ROW, Risner, Roy, Scrog9 s, Sunderland. Thomas, Torrice, Vannamon. Webb, H. Weslerholm, J Westerholm . ~, 176 . ~ 0 0.. ~ ... ~~~.~ , - - ~. ,0- ~~, •• ~ .~11~\~ C'J, .r-:;" '~.6~" O. ,0 ~;~ •