MOHICAN Varied activities, projects keep Mohicans busy The Mohicans initia ted their "brave" pledges informally at convenient and appropria te Bee Rock. Guided by a capable Indian council, the club chose to contribute to the upkeep of the campus by cleaning the lily pond as on c of their proj ects. The Mohican princess, Dorothy Christmas, was presented with a club blazer early in tJ, e year, and was later an h onored gues t a t the club's January banquet where Robert Helsten was the en tertaining spcaker. A third function and a spring outing concluded a fun-fi lled year for the Mohicans. OfFICERS: Tubb, Big Chief; Eldridge, l ittle Chief; Wate rs , Scribe; Ruckman , Wampum Man: Ken Perrin, John Prock, Sponsors. Doroth y Ch ris tmas, Club Queen WORKING hand in hand to finish the float before parade time ore Mohican members Tom Brown and M ike Eldridge. MOHICAN. TOP ROW, Perr in (sponsor). Prock (sponsor). Allison. SECOND ROW, Arnett , Brewer, Brown, Calloway, Clork, Doulton, Dovis, England, Forsee. French. THIRD ROW: Haines, HolI , HOUIS, Jennings, McGee, Moore, Outlow, Paullin, Bill Pearcy, Bob Pearcy. FOURTH ROW: PresIon, Ricks. Robertson, Ruckman , Samonie, Shelby, Smith, D. Taylor, l. Toylor, Thompson. FIFTH ROW, Todd, Tubb, Van Rheenan , l. Waters, M. Walers, Weor, While, Wiltse, Winters, Yales 175